Lori Ella Miller, LISC Detroit, September 16, 2009 (Preservation and neighborhood in Boston-Edison.)
A neighborhood is more than the houses that line city streets and boulevards. It is an intricate tapestry woven together by history, memories and the hopes and dreams of its residents. Nowhere in Detroit is this more evident than in the community of Historic Boston-Edison....
Preservation is paramount. Several local community organizations, including Detroit LISC, have united for a common cause: to stabilize Boston-Edison and restore it to its former glory. Central Detroit Christian CDC, a community development organization with extensive experience in housing and beautification, and the Boston-Edison Association have joined forces to spearhead the Boston-Edison Housing Preservation Initiative....
Ava Tinsley, lifelong Boston-Edison resident, lives in the three-story brick house that has been in her family for three generations. "Boston-Edison is an historic jewel. My mission is to return it to its former grandeur, like it was when I was a child," says Tinsley.
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