For residents of Boston-Edison: your guide on where to find information and resources about the neighborhood and the city.
Around the NeighborhoodHBEA: Learn about the Historic Boston-Edison Association, and find out what your dues do. Events: What's happening in the neighborhood. Contact HBEA: By phone or email. | Around the CityDetroit-Wayne County Directory: Links and how-to guides for the most popular services in Detroit and Wayne County. |
Trash, Waste, & Recycling:Neighborhood Trash Pickup Schedule: A quick guide to the city of Detroit's trash pick-up schedule. To sign up for text message reminders from the city the evening before each pickup day, text your street address to 313-800-7905. Bulk Trash v. Yard Waste: Which is which, and what are the rules? Plus: More about yard waste, and items that can't be picked up at curbside. Recycling in Detroit: Interested in recycling? This tells you where, when, and how. Donating a Used or Junk Car: If you have a used or junk car that you would like to get rid of, consider donating it to a charity. | Insurance and Property Taxes:Assessments and Property Tax: A primer on how assessments and taxes work. Neighborhood Enterprise Zone Homestead Exemption: If you've moved into Boston-Edison recently, you may be eligible for a Homestead Exemption property tax reduction. Appealing Property Tax Assessments: If you think to make a case to that your property tax assessment is too high, here's a step-by-step process for making your case. Financial Help with your Property Tax: Programs from the city of Detroit. |
Home Repair & Preservation:More Historic Preservation Information: A wealth of detailed information, guides, how-to instructions, and links for specific restoration projects. Contractor List: List of contractors recommended by neighbors who participated in the latest HBEA Home Preservation Fair. Historic District Designation = Money in Your Pocket: The value of living in a Historic District: enforcing historic standards increases everyone's property values. Financial Help with Your Home: Programs from the city of Detroit. | City Zoning & Property Ordinances:More Zoning and Ordinance Information: More information, forms, and guides on city-wide historic and zoning ordinances. Forms from BSE&ED: The Buildings, Safety Engineering and Environmental Department has their forms accessible online. The department also has information on property maintenance requirement online. Home Occupations and Offices: R-1 zoning prohibits homes from being used as a place of business, but does allow small home offices. Restrictions on Parking: R-1 zoning limits what types of vehicles are allowed in the neighborhood and where they can be parked. |
Security:More Security Information: More information and guides on how to keep you and your home safe and secure. | State Guides:State of Michigan Online Services: Find Michigan services and resources available online. Consumer Protection Guide: Consumer rights in many transactions, including home loans. Taxpayer Guide: Michigan income and property tax guide. Services for Seniors: Michigan programs designed to help senior citizens. Also see Legal Rights for Seniors. Veteran's Benefits: Services and benefits for military veterans. |
Schools:Schools near Boston-Edison: Excellent Schools Detroit and their partner site, Great Schools in Detroit, has identified excellent schools, both public and private, all over Detroit. | ![]() History:Research Your Home's History: Want to know more about your home and who lived there? See this guide on how to find out. |