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Boston-Edison is home to the Historic Boston-Edison Association, one of the oldest neighborhood organizations in the city of Detroit. But that isn't the only group in the neighborhood. Boston-Edison is surrounded by and includes a number of other organizations.

Organizations in and Around Boston-Edison

Cathedral of the Most Blessed Sacrament

Located on Woodward just north of Boston, the Cathedral of the Most Blessed Sacrament is a wonderful Neo-Gothic structure on the edge of the Boston-Edison Historic District.


Sacred Heart Major Seminary

Located on Linwood, at the western end of the Boston-Edison Historic District, Sacred Heart Seminary is a lovely example of English Gothic style architecture.


The Congregation

The Congregation is a coffee house, bar, and community space. It is located in a converted 1920s church on Atkinson, just south of Boston-Edison.


Nearby Neighborhoods

Atkinson Avenue

Atkinson Avenue borders the Boston-Edison Historic District to the south, running from Woodward Avenue to Linwood. Among the notable residents on Atkinson were the first and only Poet Laureate of Michigan, Edgar Guest, and Detroit Tigers player Ty Cobb. The six blocks west of the Lodge Freeway make up the Atkinson Avenue Historic District; all nine blocks of Atkinson are within a Neighborhood Enterprise Zone.


Arden Park-East Boston

The Arden Park East Boston Historic District is located at the eastern end of the Boston-Edison Historic District, just across Woodward Avenue, and extends to Oakland. The district is composed of 92 homes located on two streets - Arden Park and East Boston Boulevard. Notable residents include Frederic Fisher, John Dodge, Dr. Haley Bell, Charles Diggs, Sr., and Dr. Dewitt Burton. The neighborhood is both a historic district and a Neighborhood Enterprise Zone.


LaSalle Boulevard

LaSalle Boulevard runs between Grand Boulevard and Boston-Edison, and includes 158 homes as well as LaSalle (Franklin) Park. Notable residents include Henry Ford's early partner Alexander Y. Malcomson, and Rev. C. L. Franklin and his daughter Aretha. The neighborhood is Neighborhood Enterprise Zone.

Other Historic Neighborhoods

Boston-Edison is only one of the vibrant historic neighborhoods in the city of Detroit. Others include:

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Arts & Culture in Detroit

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Historic Preservation & Architecture

Boston-Edison is only one of the vibrant historic neighborhoods in the city of Detroit.

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