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connect with boston-edison

Have a question or comment about the Boston-Edison neighborhood, the Historic Boston-Edison Association, or this website? There are multiple ways to contact us:

Contact Us

By email: 

By mail:
Historic Boston-Edison Association
PO Box 02100
Detroit MI 48202

Visit Us

On social media:

In person:
Visit Boston-Edison in person! For directions to the neighborhood, see the map page.

On a tour:
Take a walking or driving tour of the neighborhood.

At our events:
HBEA puts on event year-round for residents and for non-residents. Check out our event list.

Join Us

Join HBEA:
One of the oldest and most successful neighborhood groups in the city of Detroit. Dues are only $60 per year, and you can join online today!

We need your help! Interested in participating in events or committees? Here's how!

Join our email list:
For residents and non-residents alike! B-E in the know by reading our newsletter and receiving news and updates about events and initiatives! Subscribe online!

Join us online:
Talk with your neighbors about what's important in the neighborhood! Join (not affiliated with HBEA).

Read Us

Our newsletter:
Read issues of the HBEA newsletter

What other people say:
The Boston-Edison neighborhood has been the subject of multiple press articles.

Advertise with Us

In sponsored events:
Send us an email at and ask about opportunities to sponsor events.

Wear Us

Buy great Boston-Edison swag, including tee-shirts, hoodies, mugs an more! Multiple designs are available, and all profits go to the Historic Boston-Edison Association.

Coming Soon! 

Write About Us

Interested in writing an article about the Boston-Edison historic neighborhood or the Historic Boston-Edison Association? 

Media Center 
Visit our Media Center page for fast facts about Boston-Edison.

Interviews or additional information

Interviews can be arranged with the HBEA president by emailing Boston-Edison at

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